Monday, January 14, 2019

Ghana Child Education Team- Teacher Experiment / Interview #1


Our team consists of Emma, Apurva, Viktor, Stan, and Mikayla.

DAY TWO  |  FRI JAN 11th 2019  |  NSAWAM, GHANA

In the morning we conducted our first group teacher interview/ experiment. 

Our goal is to test multiple factors that lead to increased usage of classroom tools- one of which being if assembly increases ownership. In this regard, our experiment layout was fairly straightforward: have two groups- one which assembles, and one which does not. After the first group assembles the BrightBox, and the other is shown the BrightBox, we do our best to measure enthusiasm, engagement, and interest in usage of the tool in the future. We compare these results to see if assembly improves potential usage of the product. In terms of roles, we have five tasks that need to be done. Because there are two groups, we need two people to ask questions and two people to transcribe everything that is being said. That takes up four of our five group members. The fifth helps with observing the assembly group- noting frustration or excitement.

Our interviews were very successful and gave us a lot of insight into the thought process of teachers and their pain points. We spent the afternoon debriefing, going over what we learned, and adjusting to conduct the same interview/ experiment the following day.

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